
What is an initilize method and why should I use it?

The initialzie method is a great tool you can use when building out your classes in Ruby. When you make a new instance of your class you can use this method to give your new object arguments without throwing errors and setting your initial values for your object. For example if we have a dog class and want to be able to assign a name and owner when it is created. If we don’t have that initilize method we will get an argument error when we try to create a new dog object.

Using 'each_with_index' in Ruby to print out a recipe

Finding the Best Winner in Drag Race HERstory with JavaScript Part 3

In the previous blog we got our new array which has each queen stored as an object that contains their final score for and their name so we can display the winner.

The difference between using var, const, and let in JavaScript

variables are very important in JavaScript and knowing the difference between them can save yourself from running into some unfortanate very unfortanate errors. In JavaScript there are three different ways to declare a variable by using var, const or let. Before ES6 was realeased using var was the only way to declare variables.

Finding the Best Winner in Drag Race HERstory with JavaScript Part 2