
JavaScript a world of possibilites

For my JavaScript project, I wanted to do something involving a list with many hidden pop-up features. I have always been really interested in the top ten lists and their popularity fascinating. It is almost as if someone puts the top 10 anything I will automatically click on the link. So I thought to myself and decided to make an app where you can put your own spin on top 10 lists and make and share your own. Starting my app, I knew the main component I would want to have was a has many relationship between a list and a movie. The list would have many movies, but a movie would only belong to one list. After I had figured out my two classes, I wanted to create the next step was deciding on their attributes. For a list class, it would have a title and a description, this way you can name your list and tell people a little about the list you were creating. For a movie, I would similarly have a title and a description but also add a rating this was so you could rate the movie as well to let people know the quality of the film on your list. After I had decided on the attributes for both of my classes, it was time to start building out my app. When I began, I knew I was going to need a back end and a front end for this project, I built two files one for each section. I started on the backend first to make sure the API I was going to build worked before I moved on to the front end of the project. I used a a scaffold to build out my movie and model from the back end then made adjustments such as making sure the belongs to and has many relationship was working, adding validations/error messages, and making sure my params were correct for building and editing my model for the API. After I had my backend working for both lists and movies it was time to bring that information to the front end of my app using JavaScript. For the front end of my document, the first thing I decided to do was build out my folders my js folders for both classes and an index.js folder for the main webpage information. I also made my HTML, images and CSS files on the front end as well. Once I had the skeleton of my app figured out it was time to fetch some data from my newly created API. I started with a list since movies belong to a list. I created a fetch request to my list API and used by debugging tools like console.log to make sure the fetch was working properly. I then moved on to my next step which was rendering my list and appending it to the DOM. To do this I made a list class with a constructer and made list methods to render the list using the keyword this. I then jumped back into my index.js to create form/function, delete function, and the functionality behind creating, editing, and destroying a movie. It was a lot of trial and error and using different methods but I eventually was able to make my movie list app work. The biggest hurdle for me was understanding the front end and backend relationship and what parts to put in each to make the app the most functional. Building this app was definitely an adventure for me, and I can’t wait to practice and make more.

How my dog going viral gave me the perfect idea for My Rails Project

TikTock has always been a mystery to me, I knew there were dance videos, weird challenges, and my niece loved it. It basicly seemed like a reincarnation of vine for generation Z. I always seemed interesting, but with all the other social medias out there I never thought to give it a try. Then COVID-19 hit and since I was stuck inside I decided to try it. So naturally, I decided to make videos about my amazing tiny pit bull, Ghost. Ghost is a full-grown pitbull that never fully grew and is now 7 years old and only weighs about 35 lbs. I knew how much joy she brought me, so I wanted to share that joy with everyone else. One of the special activities we like to do together is making homemade treats for her. I always like making dog treats for Ghost because she has food allergies, so this way I know exactly what is going in her treats without any surprises that may irritate her.

Rails Final Project

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Building a whiskey MVC..... I'll give it a shot!

Interesting, exciting, and surprising are not the three words I thought I would use to be describing my project. However, after finishing my project, those are the perfect words for my experience with Sinatra. It was very exciting going into this project to finally get to work with a server and be able to both design and build the MVC from scratch. It was a difficult project to start but once I decided on my topic and made a plan for myself it all flowed together nicely.

Trial and Error the story of my first CLI GEM

The thought of building my own CLI gem was extremely intimidating to me. I had been practicing every day for weeks, working on tests researching ruby terms, and practicing with other students online. However, I still felt like I wasn’t completely ready for my first big project. No matter how I felt, it was time to put my knowledge to the test and build my first major project for Flatiron. After reviewing tutorials and going over old homework projects, I was ready to take all the information and skills I had learned and put it to work. For my CLI RubyGem, I decided to produce a list of the top ten box office results at a given time that gave an option to pick a film where you would be able to see the films Rotten Tomatoes score, audience score, and a brief synopsis of the film.